2015 Distinguished Graduate Award and Alumni Dinner Brings Friends Together!

Over forty St. Clare friends gathered at Ernesto’s Italian Restaurant on Saturday, April 18th to reminisce and reconnect. Distinguished guests included St. Clare’s very first secretary, Eleanor L. and her two daughters. Former and present pastors and priests associated with St. Clare parish, Fr. Richard J., Fr. Jim G., and Father Stephen, S. and the 2014 Distinguished Graduate Mr. Bob M. The Class of ’66 won the most enthusiastic award with the the most alumni attendees…and the parents of the class of 2011 also brought forth a strong contingent…taking time to reconnect before their children, now high school seniors, graduate and head off to college in the Fall. We were also fortunate to share St. Clare stories with a three-generation St. Clare School family!
It was a blessed evening, the highlight of which, was the presentation of the 2015 Distinguished Graduate to Janet Patella from the class of 1963.