
St. Clare School – NOW and FOREVER!

An active and vibrant endowment provides St. Clare School with an essential foundation for a healthy future.

The St. Clare School Endowment is comprised of three endowed funds which are invested in the Catholic Education Endowment Fund (CEEF) held by the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon. The Mary Kate Booth Fund is one of these endowed funds. Each of the funds was established exclusively for the benefit of St. Clare School to help ensure the long-term sustainability of the school and to support the economic viability of Catholic education for all students.

Earnings from the Endowment have been used to enhance our academic program, provide tuition assistance for families with need, and to help us meet our budget without significant tuition increases. We simply could not do it without you. Gifts to the Endowment ensure the long-term stability of our school and help us continue to offer children the gift of a Catholic education.

OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation

Each year for the last several years, the Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation of the Oregon Community Foundation has generously matched donations to the St. Clare School Endowment, providing great incentive for others to give. We are very grateful to Mr. Weston for his yearly support of the Endowment. When you give to the Endowment and secure a matching gift from your participating employer, the Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation of the Oregon Community Foundation will match both your donation and your employers’ donation. The match amount for 2020-2021 gifts will be $40,000. Thank you Mr. Weston!

The school invites individual gifts, gifts of stock, corporate matching gifts, short- and long-term pledges, and planned gifts to benefit the Endowment Fund. Click here to make an individual gift, or send a check to:

St. Clare School
Attn: Development
1807 SW Freeman St.
Portland, OR 97219

If you wish to make a tribute gift, a gift of stock, or a gift through your estate or other planned instrument (i.e., annuity funds), please contact Kirstin Strickland, Director of Development, at 503.244.7600 x1106 or [email protected].

1914 Society

The 1914 Society is comprised of friends who gave gifts of $191.40 or more to our Endowment to commemorate our founding year. Thank you to these supporters who gave lead gifts to the Society:

  • The Hagel Family
  • The Hughes-Sanders Family
  • The Hunt Family
  • The Smith Family
  • An “Anonymous Angel” Family
  • A second “Anonymous Angel” Family

And our heartfelt thanks to the following 1914 Society members:

*indicates matching gifts

  • Mike and Shawn Hagel*
  • April Hughes Sanders*
  • Steve and Deme Hunt*
  • Chris and Liz Johnson*
  • The Kayser-Vogel Family*
  • Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Fuchs*
  • Travis and Debbie Smith*
  • Anonymous*
  • Anonymous*
  • Jason and Allison Beam
  • Chris and Cartie Beckett
  • Meaghan and Jordan Boyd
  • Chris and Renee Cline
  • John and Cynthia Cosgrave
  • Peter and Sheila Cullen
  • Lauren and Jeanne Donaldson
  • Paul Flood and Bernadette Doolan
  • Matt Eckman
  • Earl and Debbie Freepons
  • Christian and Vicki Grorud
  • Mary Ellen Harmeyer
  • Roger and Carol Klein
  • Eleanor Larson
  • Eric Castle and Joanne Luzietti
  • Bob and Maria McCarthy
  • Kevin and Cynthia McEvoy
  • John Minahan
  • Estate of Robert Molin
  • KK Burrell and Patrick
  • Michael and Debra Monahan
  • Joe and Joanie Quinn
  • Don and Colette Rees
  • John Richards MD and Christina Steig Richards
  • James Demay and Channing Riggs
  • Rosen Foundation
  • Eric and Meredith Sangster
  • John and Diane Sangster
  • Steve and Julie Seguin
  • Robert and Alice Selder
  • Karen Serowik
  • Kevin and Jocelyn Tyree
  • Don Vanderpool
  • John and Mary Anne Wagner