In fourth grade, students are making the transition to becoming responsible, independent learners. I’m excited to work with student to guide them through their fourth grade year, fostering responsibility and respect. We do a variety of projects throughout the year, read and studying several novels, investigate numerous science topics through hands-on labs, dive into Oregon’s history, learn new math concepts, participate in several different service opportunities, and more.
We focus on the fundamentals of grammar through lessons and activities that teach students the principal rules and mechanics of the English language. We will also focus on improving writing through the 6+1 Writing Traits.
We focus on short stories from various genres and practice opportunities with vocabulary and comprehension, as well as a variety of literary elements. We also read several novels throughout the school year as a class.
Students will complete one unit per week with a spelling test on Friday (or the last school day of the week). Students should be aware and apply spelling rules and strategies in their daily work.
Main fourth grade math topics include the following: multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and geometry.
Fourth grade science standards are centered around five main areas
Students engage in a variety of hands-on activities and labs.
Fourth graders primarily study Oregon History. Several field trip opportunities are planned to enhance our social studies curriculum.
Students continue to practice their cursive handwriting; handwriting skills are applied to daily work. All work is written in cursive and in pencil.
Through the Blest Are We curriculum we cover the following units:
Sister Regina Namaleha teaches fourth grade religion.
Fourth grade students visit the St. Clare Preschool once-a-month and interact with the students in each classroom.