The St. Clare music program consists of several activities that are shared across the school along with leveled lessons based on grade level. Student in grades K-5 have Music class twice a week for 30 minutes. Students in grades 6-8 have Music class once a week for 35 minutes. All students participate in our annual Christmas Program.
St. Clare K-8 students will explore, experience, and learn about the elements of music: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Tempo, Structure, Timbre, Texture, Style, and Culture.
Students will participate in the following to learn about the elements of music:
Singing Together
Clapping Patterns Games (whole class, small group, partners) Playing Instruments (percussion & bars) Reading music notation (pitch and rhythm) Listening Analyzing Composing Movement Dance |
Performing Being a good audience member Christmas Program performance Worship at Mass Acting Kodály handsigns Cultural exploration (videos, guests) Melodic and Harmonic Dictation Short projects (middle school) |